Space Doubt Walk-Through E, S get red card N, W, W unlock door with red card and enter room Open 1st, 8th, and 9th drawers. Drawer will open, get blue card Open 3rd, 7th, and 9th drawers. Drawer will open, get lighter S, E, E push button to open door and enter room Use blue card to open locker, get wrench S, use wrench to get star-shaped gizmo off wall (be sure to stand close) S, S, W throw star and switch to turn off laser then get circuit E, N, N, W, W, W, S try looking in airduct....Open robot with wrench to see that 2 parts are missing S, S to storage. To open big box, open little boxes in the order of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) Get plug and flashlight when big box opens N, open panel, insert circuit to activate elevator, push elevator button the enter Click on control panel then QUICKLY click on tiles in order of the solar system to create a walkway across the chasm. If you're too slow, just click on the control panel to try again Cross walkway then S, get key, E, E Try using replicator to see that you need access code. open panel on replicator and take battery Go back across chasm, up elevator, and as far to the N,E,S as you can go Unlock door with key and enter closet Open storage, get fuse, use flashlight on faintly visible numbers on wall to left of doorway to learn access code Go to robot, insert battery and fuse When robot returns from airduct, get shoes and battery Go to replicator, insert battery, activate machine, enter access code, make acid W, stand under sensor, wear boots, then double-click on sensor to climb wall, use lighter on sensor to short out force field Use acid on safe, get CD Go back to control room, use CD on inactive terminal, use teleporter to ship, use control panel to enter coordinates (1221) Enjoy the party!